Lt-Col Kevin Davis (Secretary)

It is a true honour to serve in our nation’s military in uniform.  Equally so, I am proud to serve on the leadership team of the Military Christian Fellowship (MCF) where I find my vocation and my ministry passions intersect.

Joining the Canadian Armed Forces in 2004 while enrolled in a theological studies program, my decision was by all appearances an impulsive one.  In fact, I recall the recruiting officer assuming I was enrolling as a Chaplain, only to realise I had no idea what occupation I wanted to apply for!  Though my heart was yet far from God at that time, His divine providence was clearly at work in guiding my steps into what has been a rewarding and challenging career in the Army as a Logistics Officer.

My desire to serve with the MCF is born out of my own experience of wandering for many years in search of success and ultimate meaning while confronted by the pain, struggle, and failures of everyday life. Existential questions led me back to the Bible, while the miraculous intervention of God in my life led me to believe and trust in Jesus Christ.  It is my desire to share the HOPE, JOY, and PEACE that I have found in Him with those whom I am privileged to serve alongside.

Padre (Capt) Andrew Whitman (Executive)

Andrew is an army chaplain since 2015. Together with his wife, Nicole and their three daughters, he has served in Gagetown, New Brunswick with the Sappers (both at CFSME and 4 ESR), in Cold Lake, Alberta with 4 wing and now in Ottawa training for a position in ethics.  Andrew joined the Canadian Army in 1988 as an artillery officer, where he served 17 years including one battle group tour in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

The Lord opened Andrew’s heart at age 7, and he committed his life to Jesus and was baptized. He always wanted to be an ‘army man’, and even at 16, he prayed to God to bless the local army cadet corps and make it a ministry for him.  Andrew became involved with the MCF at Royal Military College, where they developed a small group ministry with 5-6 groups at a time. During this time, he was convicted, while reading Ezekiel 33, that God has appointed us to be watchmen for the military community. So, he sought to be a gospel trumpet by serving the artillery well – serving his commanders, his troops, and his peers – so as to honour Christ, and to be transparent with what he believes.  It was only much later that God called him into the chaplaincy.  As chaplain, Andrew’s goal is to empower many to be watchmen for the military community of Canada (and abroad).

Col (Ret’d) Gerry Potter (President)

I am married to an amazingly patient and fun lady and together we have raised three children: a daughter who is married, and two sons one of whom is also married. I also have one grandchild, and as of this writing, with two more on the way.

I served in the Canadian Forces for 35 years as both an operator and as a staff officer and I have enjoyed a diverse number of postings across Canada, the United States, Europe, and Afghanistan. Since, retiring from the Military I have provided consulting services to a variety of commercial, and international government clients.

While serving Canada a military officer I also served the church in leadership positions in most locations where I was posted. I came to faith in Jesus when I was 26 years old and the Lord placed in me a hunger to know and serve Him that has guided my every decision. Currently, I am enrolled in a Masters of Theology program at Heritage Seminary.


Capt (Ret’d) Anton Topilnyckyj (Prayer Coordinator)

Married to my childhood sweetheart, together we have grown to realize how God’s grace and mercy works in marriage. We have four children and, so far, seven grandchildren. We have felt blessed to be part of the military family and know God has used both our personalities and characteristics to share His hope with our serving and retired brothers and sisters and their families. In addition to responsibilities with the MCF, I am presently serving in Miramichi New Brunswick as the pastor of Miramichi Wesleyan Church.

I joined the universal green forces in 1974 as a Supply technician thinking I was Air Force. However, upon arrival at 4 Combat Engineering Regiment in Lahr Germany, the Regimental Sergeant Major ceremoniously removed my wedge cap from my head indicating I would no longer need it. Accepted into the university training plan, I attended RMC and upon graduation served as an Army Logistic Officer and Ammunition Officer until an injury forced me out. I remained a member of the DND as a Human resources Officer serving the Nay in Halifax until my call to the Miramichi area.

I believe in the necessity and power of prayer. I have witnessed lives transformed, broken spirits calmed, and hope found by the broken because they chose to speak to God and listen for His response. We believe in the mission God has given the MCF which is to take the Good News to our military community. I encourage you to find a way to reach out to our military family and bring the light into their lives.

Rob Parker – Council member

Rob Parker is the founding director of the National House of Prayer, located in Ottawa Canada.  NHOP was established in 2005 with the mandate originating from 1 Timothy 2:1-3. Rob’s desire is to mobilize informed, focused, and sustained prayer for Canada and its leaders. Rob has a strong preaching and teaching gift joined with a pastor’s heart for God’s people.

The National House of Prayer hosts prayer teams of all ages representing the Christian church from across Canada. Rob is passionate to see intercessors and prayer movements from across Canada linked together, thus increasing the level of spiritual authority.

Rob and his wife Fran were Pastors for 15 years in British Columbia before establishing the work of the National House of Prayer in Ottawa.