The Military Christian Fellowship of Canada
Who is the MCF?
The members of the MCF come from the military community, which consists of serving and retired military and their families, as well as serving and retired DND public servants. While the Church cares about people of the military community, they find it difficult to related to them. Often military community members feel out of place in local churches because the life they live is different; it is characterized by an unusual degree of uncertainty, mobility and risk. In contrast, MCF members understand the unique challenges and realities that exist in the military lifestyle because they have lived it. They have stood shoulder to shoulder with members of the military community. The MCF is a bridge between the Church and the military community to resource and serve both cultures as it pursues its mission.
What does the MCF offer?
The MCF offers real-life answers to real-time military questions of life and purpose. We train and equip the membership for operations of the highest calling – to live as Jesus has called us to within the military community, always being ready to share the reason for the hope that we have. The MCF connects the Christian military community from coast to coast to coast. The MCF is a trusted resource for chaplains and local pastors assisting them to minister the gospel to this unique sub-culture of Canadian society.
How does the MCF Operate?
Working with local, regional and national churches and Christian organizations across Canada and with military chaplains the MCF works to establish a network of missional groups that individually and collaboratively provide training, and mentorship with the intent of encouraging people to consider the message of Jesus and to grow in their faith. The MCF is committed to fostering unity with like-minded local churches, building camaraderie within the military community and leveraging partner resources in a joint effort to see people become whole and experience the abundant life that Jesus promised and provides. Through national strategic leadership and decentralized Christian ministry, the MCF cohesively and intentionally engages with partners, stakeholders, and Christians within military community to make christ known.
The Mission:
To take the Good News of Jesus Christ to the military community in Canada and abroad.
The Stategic Objectives:
- Lead military men and women to commit their lives to Jesus Christ;
- Assist and encourage military Christians to grow in their faith; and
- Support the Chaplaincy and the Chapel program in their efforts to communicate the gospel.
Your Support:
We appreciate your ongoing support for the MCF of Canada through your prayers, encouragement and financial support.
The Military Christian Fellowship of Canada is a registered charity with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) registration number: 107702250RR0001. Your financial support helps us to offset costs and keep the mission moving forward.
Support the MCF financially