Hear, Oh believer

The Shema is the cornerstone of the daily morning and evening prayers spoken by traditionally observant Jews. It declares a confirmation of God’s oneness and kingship. The opening lines to the prayer begin, “Hear, O Israel: Adonai is our God, Adonai in One! Blessed is God’s name; His glorious kingdom is forever and ever!” It is a beautiful prayer that God’s people have been praying for millennia.

Moses, who introduced the Shema, believed that loyalty, obedience, and love for their true God is the only way to live. He also felt their attachment to many gods was the greatest threat to Israel’s future. So, they prayed the Shema daily to remind themselves that Adonai alone was their God. This prayer continued during Jesus’ earthly ministry. He drew upon this truth in his teaching. He reaffirmed Moses’s thoughts when he said, “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:29-31 NIV)

Prayer reminds us we are connected to the creator of everything that was, is and will be. Praying keeps God’s love and loyalty in our minds and moves us toward obedience – not out of obligation or duty but out of love. 

Scottish church leader Thomas Chalmers once wrote, “May we never forget that Christianity is in a war and that every generation of believers has had their difficulties to deal with.” He reminds us that the life of a Christian is a life of vigilance and that while we are in the world, we will have to struggle with its vices. Whatever happened around them, church leaders of the past knew where they wanted to end up. They kept their eyes on the Lord, and they kept their eyes on heaven. And they knew that, no matter what they said or did, the outside world would never approve.

Do you start your day with words affirming your belief that God is one and will be with you during your engagements with the world?

Puritan Lewis Bayly (1575–1631) liked to pray this when he arose in the morning: “As you have awakened my body from sleep, so I beg you, awaken my soul to sin and from worldly security. As you have caused the sun’s light to shine on my physical eyes, cause the light of your word and Holy Spirit to illuminate my heart”. 

Pray without ceasing Pt 3

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-17)

Pray according to God’s will.
To pray without ceasing means that prayer is not primarily about us; it’s about God. While God wants us to come to him with our concerns, we must understand as fully as possible what his concerns are.

When a man asked Jesus what the greatest commandment is, he answered by quoting from Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…You shall love your neighbour as yourself” (Matthew 22:36, 39). Jesus died so we would have the freedom and capacity to love God with all we are. And to love each other.

First, seek to love God with everything you are through and in prayer. Then, seek to love your neighbour through prayer. In this way you seek God’s will in every aspect of your prayers, as you include the concerns, requests, and needs for the people God has put around you.
Pray for:

  1. Your literal neighbour,
  2. Those in your church,
  3. The missionaries that you know,
  4. Family, 
  5. Strangers you’ve interacted with recently; and
  6. Your pastors and your politicians.

Pray without ceasing for all of them as you do for yourself—with God’s will paramount in your prayers for them.

Through your times of active prayer, the Spirit will begin to cultivate an attitude of unceasing prayer, and this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

PT 2 – Pray without ceasing

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-17)

Start short and straightforward.

To pray without ceasing means to have our minds constantly on the things of God to be in constant communication with him so that every moment may be as fruitful as possible. 

Some people who can pray without ceasing seem gifted in prayer. They have regular, lengthy times of personal prayer and can stay vigilant and focused. Others seem to have a way with words in prayer. They know how to lift praise and supplications to God with faith and confidence that he hears and is pleased.

Like many people, I struggled with prayer. First, I have a history of getting stuck on myself in prayer. Second, I struggle to stay focused. I am an avid and accomplished daydreamer, which is often an enemy of extended, focused prayer. I may start well, but within a few minutes, I’m thinking about what I would have done differently if I had been the hero in that movie I saw last night. Or something that comes up in prayer reminds me of a Beatles lyric. During corporate prayer, I compare myself to others, which often makes me not want to pray out loud—but then I fear what people will think if I don’t.

In my private prayer time, I’ve found that more frequent, short prayer times usually work better than long periods of prayer. I can only be quiet for so long. When I attempt more extended periods of prayer, I need to constantly refocus (which is a valuable skill to develop in prayer and life but takes time and effort), and often I will not be able to sit still.

So don’t worry if your prayer times are short. Our limitations do not limit our Lord; he is exalted in them. Only our great God could glorify himself through such frail vessels as us. If we come to him in humility, for his glory, and to bear fruit through him, he will lovingly take whatever we have to offer—even if it is a trifle. Jesus died to reconcile us and bring us into a relationship with God. To keep that relationship flourishing, we dedicate ourselves to time with God through his Word and prayer, even if we initially stumble through it. God’s Spirit will expand our capacities, but we must trust him and faithfully take faltering steps into prayer.

PT 1 – Pray without ceasing.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-17)

To “pray without ceasing” means to have our minds always on the things of God, to be in constant communication with him, so that every moment may be as fruitful as possible. How can we learn to “pray without ceasing?” Here is a practical step to consider: 
Plan times for prayer: Striving to have an attitude of prayer can seem overwhelming.

To understand and develop the mindset of continual prayer, we must start with developing the habit of intentional prayer.

  • At meals – If the practice of praying at meals is not something you were taught or do right now, I recommend it as an easy way to pray more. For those of us who follow this practice, it is likely that we quickly thank God for our food and get on with eating. However, being more mindful in our prayer takes little time and can immensely increase the effectiveness of it.
  • When reading Scripture – Pray whenever you have time in the Scriptures. Start your daily Bible reading with prayer for God’s Spirit to give insight and clarity as you read; end your reading with a prayer inspired by what you’ve read. Recite Scripture as you pray and elaborate on how it speaks to you of what God is doing or wants to do in you. Do something similar when you sit down to do in-depth Bible study. Make any time you meditate on Scripture a time of prayer.
  • At the start and end of the day – When you wake up, dedicate the day to God in prayer. Praying at the start of the day focuses your mind on prayerfulness that will help carry you through the day, while developing the habit of constant prayer. When you get ready for bed, thank God for his provision, and pray through your day. This will help quiet your mind and heart as you give over the things of the day to Jesus.

If you prayed at all these times, even for just a minute or two, you would pray at least six times a day. That may be more than you pray now, but it fits relatively easily into an existing schedule, and none of those times need to take too long. 

The battle is all around us.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms”  Ephesians 6:12

A few years ago, I attended a military Christian conference for serving and retired military. I remember listening to a conversation between two retired generals discussing their struggles during their active military service. Both men confronted men trying to destroy their nations. However, as Christ’s followers, they both recognized that they had seen a different, more destructive enemy. The Asian General suggested that although the north and south had significant military forces facing off against each other, the real enemy was the evil one who destroyed nations and the people within them. The African general agreed. 
The conversation seemed surreal. The world likes to identify our enemies and assume which people it needs to fight. These combat veterans agreed upon a different, more powerful enemy. Both men had made appropriate combat estimates and decided that the real enemy was not other men but the evil forces that sought to destroy men. One general spoke about how he tried to impart to his men that their goal was not to destroy those men facing them but to save them from the clutches of the evil one who seeks to separate people from God. 
Paul’s warning to the Ephesians is a message for all humanity. It emphasizes the need for all to recognize the actual battle. To enter this battle prepared to win requires spiritual preparation rather than physical. He is unequivocal on how we must prepare for the war. It does not involve a part-time faith where we find time in our busy schedules to prepare to serve in God’s army. He suggests we must go full bore and utilize scripture to know and recognize the truth and use it when needed. We must stand on the promise of salvation and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to face an enemy who seeks to undermine our faith. We must understand and tackle the real problem head-on to bring Glory to God’s mighty name. 
Understanding and application are solidified and reinforced by prayer, if you have not done so already or have not done it in a while, speak with God about the enemies you are facing and seek His help. The world only understands the enemy they have created and doesn’t want to acknowledge that there is a driving force behind all the unfairness, oppression, greed, and destruction, and it is Satan. The demons of the dark world seek to covertly defeat us by convincing us that our problems are fake, but they are real. Get on your knees so God can stand you toe-to-toe with our true enemy. 

Surrounded by His glory!

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” Romans 1:20 

Summer seems to have finally come to the Miramichi, and I have been enjoying the sun’s warmth. We now have had six days straight of sunshine. That may not seem unusual for the rest of this country, but we in the Chi have had rain five days a week since mid-June. Most of the summer has been indoors, searching Google for instructions on building a large boat (the Ark has already been done). 

At first, the rain bothered me. But when I seemed to need it most, my son sent me a video of my grandson and his friends swimming in the puddles that formed on his street. It brought a smile and a flashback to the time I enjoyed being in the rain. I was raised in Toronto and have since lived in many cities, large and small. I swam in the puddles that formed on the street, slid on the flooded grassy parks, and swam au natural in the ditches and streams. As a child, the rain was fun, but I must admit that as I grew older and busier, I became fond of the beautiful man-made structures and looked less and less at what God had made. 

However, as I felt the sun these last few days, I wondered if I had taken God’s creation for granted. We prayed often for the sun this summer because that was what we wanted, not what we may have needed. Sitting in the sun, I reflected on the summer of rain and was reminded that because of the rain, we did not have forest fires like many places across the country. We did not have flooding or storm surges. Our wells are full, and our flora is flush. Life went on, and whether we acknowledge it or not, the rain was good.  

I am blessed to live in the countryside, surrounded by trees, wildlife, and clean air. It’s only been recently that I have grown to appreciate my environment. When I moaned about the rain this summer, I wondered if something happened to me. I feared I was becoming the grumpy old guy, sitting with a group of grumpier men who were never content with anything around us. Too often, I missed out on our God, the Creator, because the weather was not what I wanted. I missed out on the One who reveals Himself through nature, the rain, and the sunshine. Don’t let that happen to you. Look around at the wonder of creation where it is in the land, the sea, and the air, and give thanks that God deemed that it was good. 

On Monday, I was awakened by the rising morning sun. I had forgotten to close the curtains last evening before I went to bed. As the sun rose, I was treated to a beautiful display of God’s glory and a reminder that our God is with us as the sun rises and sets. 

God is not nature, but He created it for both His glory and our pleasure. As you go about your day, whether during your commute to and from work or while sitting on a deck chair, look and recognize the glory of God and give thanks.  

Tip Toeing …

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” Hebrews 4:16 (NIV) 

Do you understand that we have the privilege and right to pray and to believe and expect God to do what he wants and is willing to do in the life of His children? When you pray, do you approach God with boldness and authority? Boldness relates to confidence or assurance, while authority suggests the right, privilege, accessibility, and freedom to pray to God.  

We should approach God boldly and fearlessly and leave our prayers with Him, expecting God to hear and answer our prayers. We’ll never be able to accomplish what God wants us to achieve as a body (your church or our fellowship) or as individuals until we learn to come before God in dependence on Him and come with the authority delegated to us. 

If we do not enter prayer believing we have authority with God, Satan will attack us. He will challenge our authority with God. If that is true, when and where do you think Satan will make his most vicious assault, not when we do our jobs or sit around enjoying life but when we are in prayer? Ephesians 6 reminds us that our battle is against unseen forces to keep us off our knees and challenge our authority before God. Satan doesn’t come after us weakly, but he attacks boldly. But if you are a believer, the supernatural power of God possesses you, and you can overcome these attacks and bind Satan to prevent him from interfering with your prayers.  

Too often, we pray weakly and fearfully instead of coming to God based on what He said He could do. Too often, we grope along in life weakly. The church is weak. The church is weak because its praying is weak. Our country is weak because the church is weak. 

When you pray, do you feel that you enter God’s presence, tiptoeing around His throne room, unsure what to say for fear of what God will do? Do you second guess your prayers or doubt them because you aren’t sure how God will respond? This mindset is contrary to what God expects of believers. He wants us to bring our prayers to Him. If we come before God in humiliation and desperation, everything in heaven will move in response to prayer. 

Prayer is the most powerful tool in the hands of believers. Coming to God with confidence and authority and coming to Him egotistical and proudly are different. Our authority is linked to our humility and absolute and total dependence on God. Prayer is a privilege we should exercise often. We should do so with boldness and authority. 

Look – Listen – React

Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire, it did not burn up. So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.” When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” And Moses said, “Here I am.”‘ (Exodus 3:1-4, NIV).

Moses looked, listened, and reacted to God’s call, he began a journey that brought the Israelites back to God. May I share four simple steps I discovered in this passage that might help you see, hear, and react to God? 

Step 1: (v1) – Get Away – Moses got away from people by going to the far side of the wilderness. 
Where can you go for quiet and solitude?
Maybe a walk around the neighbourhood, a stroll in the woods, or a trip to the spa or your garage. Any place you can find quiet and closed off or away from others.

Step 2: (v1) Get Alone – Moses went to where God was by going to His Mountain. 
Where do you feel close to God? 
Maybe it’s a sacred place like a church, or perhaps just being surrounded by God’s creation brings you closer to Him.

Step 3: (v3) Pay Attention – When Moses saw what God was doing with the burning bush, he looked closer and noticed it. 
What has God been doing around you that you need to pay closer attention to? 
Perhaps it’s the sky’s colour as the sun sets or hearing a baby laugh or maybe it’s getting caught up in the sheer extravagance of God’s creation. 

Step 4: (v4) Be Ready to Listen – When Moses heard God calling out his name, he acknowledged that he was ready to listen. 
Are you ready to listen to what God has to say? 
This could be the most challenging part because it requires us to listen, not just hear. It can be challenging for those who have forgotten how to slow down and relax. Also, God may tell you something you don’t want to hear. For example, He instructed Moses to go to Pharaoh to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. 

Moses asked God questions, saying he wasn’t the man for the job and didn’t want to do it. Maybe that is how you react when you sense God speaking to you and are afraid. Moses eventually came around because God met every question with an answer that Moses couldn’t poke holes in. God has the answers to your questions, and He reminds us that He is with us when we are doing His will. 

I pray today begins your journey of looking, listening and reacting to what God wants to do. 

I believe, help me with my unbelief.

The message found in Mark 9 speaks to the need to believe and trust in God. A desperate father approaches Jesus to have his son healed of impure spirits. The father had already gone to the disciples, but they were unsuccessful. So, he confronted Jesus and asked “if you can” heal him.

Jesus replied, “Everything is possible for the one who believes.” Right away, the boy’s father cried out, “I do believe! Help me overcome my unbelief!” Mark 9: 23-24.

The father may have thought the disciples were incompetent. Despite their bravado, they seemed unable to help. Sometimes other people, despite good intentions, can’t relieve our needs. The father may have thought the problem was hopeless. The boy’s disease was fitful, mysterious, and violent. We sometimes forget that the Lord delights in working impossibilities. The father may have thought Jesus was powerless. The man half hinted at this when he said, “If you can do anything….” Fear and worry whisper demonically in our ears, “God doesn’t care. The Saviour is powerless.” But the father discovered his unbelief. Sometimes we have just enough faith to realize our belief’s weakness. That isn’t great faith, but it’s enough to start with. If we have enough faith to recognize our weaknesses, we have a place to start.

Faith is based on the belief that we have a Creator. We understand that our Creator is like a good parent who loves us unconditionally and wants to protect, guide, and help His children. And like a good parent, He would never harm us and only wants what is best for us. When our faith is strong, we trust God’s love for us, regardless of our circumstances.

Faith requires us to understand and accept God’s expectations for us, brought to us by Jesus. God wants us to love others through genuine and sincere kindness and compassion. This means that we will be humble. We will not be critical or judgmental of others. We will not be hurtful or take advantage of others. Likewise, we will not treat others with indifference. We will help those who need help. And when we are wronged, we will forgive. If we love God, we will do these things daily, not just to those close to us, like family and friends – but to everyone. 

Faith reminds us that God wants us to join Him in heaven, but our hearts must reflect God’s love which we convey with our thoughts, how we speak to others, how we treat others, and how we live our lives. Faith will compel us to invite God into our lives and maintain a relationship with Him through prayer. We should pray every day and throughout the day. It is impossible to pray too much. We can pray for protection, forgiveness, guidance, understanding, and peace. We can express our love, our gratitude, our needs, our worries, and our fears. 

We should pray boldly and be generous with our prayers for others. Trust, believe, and believe that God will hear your prayers and respond. 

Don’t give up!

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer”. Romans 12:12

The song “Que Sera Sera” was first introduced to the public in Alfred Hitchcock’s 1956 film The Man Who Knew Too Much.  Doris Day and Jimmy Stewart.  In the movie, Doris Day’s character sings “Que Sera Sera” to her son at the film’s beginning.  After her son is kidnapped, she again sings the song while trying to find the boy. Hitchcock intertwines the idea of “ques sera sera” throughout the movie, suggesting the couple’s chaos and danger is unavoidable no matter what they do.

Too many people have this type of fatalism when they pray. They think that regardless of what they do or say, God has made his mind up, so whatever will be will be. What does it mean to pray? Does it mean throwing your arms up in the air, resigning yourself to an uncertain fate, or are there more profound promises we can hold onto when we pray? 

Some have skewed ideas about prayer. The problem is that some of these ideas (such as those listed below) aren’t only wrong and can derail your prayer life altogether.  

  • No patience is required.  
  • Prayer comes naturally. 
  • Prayer is like a wish list for Santa.  
  • Prayer is a one-way conversation.  
  • Prayer is a silver bullet.  
  • My way is the right way to pray.  
  • I’ll live my life the way I want to (also known as the Frank Sinatra syndrome).

Prayer can be spoken spontaneously in response to events going on around us. But we must also make time to talk with God intentionally. Prayer must include listening and watching. If we trust God is listening, there will be a response; it may come sooner or later. When we pray, we must expect to get an answer, as prayer is a two-way conversation in which we talk and listen for God. Prayer does not come naturally, especially to the Western culture, which struggles with the idea of talking with someone who can’t be seen yet is omnipresent. Or those who believe they are self-made and all they own, or desire is because of their efforts. They may talk with God so He can address things they can’t seem to obtain or achieve in the desired time frame.  

Life has a purpose, and we can make decisions that influence the outcome of that life. We are not saved to give up when it gets tricky, as Jesus came so that we could live life to the full. Prayer is simply making time to be with God. We make time for many essential things, so we must make time for God. When we pray, and God seems quiet, we continue to pray, trusting God is always listening. Persistent prayer is about trusting God to lead and guide us knowing we are not forgotten or forsaken.