And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:27
When Jesus says, Follow me, it’s far more than a simple invitation to walk behind Him. And it’s more than Bible study. It means transformation. Following Jesus means aligning our lives with His teachings and example and embracing His values as our own. It signifies a willingness to leave behind old ways and habits and commit to Him above all other influences. Ultimately, this reshapes our priorities, actions, and identity.
When Jesus invited his disciples to follow him, they:
- left their boats and nets (their identity & livelihood)
- began to obey his other commands (leaving aside their priorities)
- began to learn from Him (beginning to leave their own opinions)
- began to imitate Him (beginning to leave their self-righteousness)
Jesus calls people to follow Him for several reasons. Principally, it was an invitation to participate in the Kingdom of God, to live under God’s rule in a way that brings life, hope, and healing to the world. Jesus was initiating a movement that would spread God’s love and grace to every corner of the earth. Jesus was teaching them how to live out the values of the Kingdom both in their personal lives and community with others.
Jesus’ call to Follow me was also about forming a community of believers who would support one another, learn together, and grow in faith. This communal aspect of discipleship is crucial, as it reflects the relational nature of God Himself. In following Jesus together, disciples are equipped and empowered to continue His mission in the world, spreading the good news of God’s love and salvation.
Following Jesus means Imitating Jesus. Following Jesus is about doing the things that he would do, having the values that he would have. It’s about daily making the choice to live in a way that honours Him, impacts the world positively, and brings us into a deeper relationship with God.
Can you Follow Him?