1. God Has Provided the Bible, His Word
God provided His written Word to teach us valuable truths. The Bible tells how God’s children attempted to follow Him, including their victories and shortfalls. It also depicts how people messed up while following Him and reminds us that the Bible is full of second chances, which we all need.
2. God Provides Life
When we were conceived, God knit us together in our mother’s womb. He provided us with an intricate and complex body. He provided the air that we need to live. And He planned how He would use us before we were born. He gave us life and a destiny to go within that life.
3. God Provided the Earth
In Genesis 1, God provided a beautiful earth for us to live, learn, and grow in. He provided the heavens and the earth for us to enjoy. The light was a relief from the darkness, and seed-bearing plants and trees with fruit fed us.
4. God Provides Mercy
Genesis 3 shows Adam and Eve disobeying by eating the one plant God said they couldn’t. But God, in His mercy, did not destroy them because of their disobedience but provided animal skins for them to have clothes to cover their nakedness and a purpose to pursue. Even when we mess up, God still cares for us.
5. God Provided a Sacrifice
God provided Himself, Jesus, as a sacrifice for His children’s sins. God loved the world so much that He provided His Son so we could have eternal, abundant life.
God provided us a way out of sin and death.
6. God Provided Us an Example to Live by in Jesus
Jesus walked the earth with us to show us how to live. He gave us a perfect example of how to walk in love, forgiveness, and peace.
7. God Has Provided Us with an Advocate, the Holy Spirit
When Jesus had to return to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to live within us after we believed in Christ. This Spirit shows us when we do something wrong. He shows us how to live righteously (morally) and Holy (dedicated to God). He guides, protects, and holds us safe. God provided a Helper to be with us always.
This is what God has done for us.
Now, putting the shoe on the other foot, how would we reply if God asked us, “What have you done for Me lately.”