
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Why is “US” better than “ME”?

The Canadian Forces have people from different generations and cultures serving in our forces. They are part of the military family (the serving and retired), and many do not know Jesus as Lord and saviour. The MCF of Canada, its members, and other MCF around the globe must work together with the Church to turn the mindset from “ME” to “US” and take the Gospel to our Military family. 

Why together: 

1. “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labour.” 
I had a boss who said, “It’s more productive for ten people to do their jobs than one person trying to do all ten”. The MCF will get healthier as people move from the sidelines into the game. When each member gets involved and serves as the Holy Spirit enables them and approaches the mission with an attitude of willingness, we all make a difference.  

2. “if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion.”
We all fall physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Where do those people go if they do not have a loving arm to help them? Do we expect the ministers, the medical system, or anyone else to “take care of it?” Those who have loving, and kind relationships will tell you that if they fall, the people they reach out to often reach out to them and pick them up. Let’s help each other and show mercy to those around us. 

3. “Furthermore, if two lie down together, they keep warm.” 
This is an illustration of two or more soldiers facing a battle in the winter; it’s an illustration of encouragement. How will we survive in the winter battle if we lie down alone?

4. Fourth, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.”
The MCF is part of the Church. It is not just a bunch of individuals that get together via email, Facebook, or other media …it is a family; it’s a “band of brothers” and a “band of sisters” involved in a battle for eternity. The Lord Almighty has invited us to join Him on His mission to take His truth to our Military Family.