As Joshua set out on the journey into the Promised Land, he knew that the people he was about to lead were more than likely afraid of what lay ahead. However, before they started, Joshua was given his marching orders from God, who reminded Him that He had promised more and that He was going to be with them. God wanted the people to remember where they had come from and that their story did not end at Moses’ death but continued because of His promise.
Too often, we forget we are part of the story where God loves us so much, he sent His son as a sacrifice so we can participate in His promises. I find it helpful to reflect on my place in the story by asking myself:
1. What was my prayer experience like today?
2. What areas of my life did God touch?
3. How did I experience God’s grace today?
4. Did I cooperate with God today?
5. What did I not bring openly to Him today?
6. What do I need to confess?
7. What is changing in me as I listen to God?
8. What attitudes am I experiencing as I relate to others?