Military Basic Training was a culture shock. Before, I was a student at university working part-time as a janitor in a seniors’ residence in Wolfville, NS. After two years, I had run out of funds and decided to apply to the military; after all, my dad was a former military pilot, and my brother was a serving aeronautical engineer.
Going on exercise was part of Basic Training, as it is part of the military experience in general. Part of the military exercise was a routine called “Stand-to.” The practice of “Stand-to” was a hold-over from WWI when at just before dawn and shortly after dusk, soldiers would stand by their trench with their weapons loaded and ready to fire in the event of an enemy attack, which routinely came at just before dawn or just after dusk. It was part of being ready.

Several months ago, I was on a course led by Dr. Steve Brown, which was entitled “Jesus Centred.” The course was named after the book that Dr. Brown wrote. To me, the book’s gist was about being ready to share and live the gospel in a non-permissive environment. A vital element of the course was focused on Luke 10:2
Dr. Brown emphasized that the number of “harvesters” was diminishing in Canada. I note that local churches and mission agencies are echoing the same message… Gospel messengers are fewer and fewer, and this is when the spread of secularism is increasing. Generally, the Canadian population, including the military community, has little to no information about who Jesus is or the opportunity for eternal life that is available only through Him.
I shared with Dr. Brown the ministry of the MCF and our mission to bring the gospel to the military community. He was intrigued and asked how it was going. “Not very well,” I responded. Dr. Brown reminded me of Luke 10:2 when Jesus was sending out missionaries and explaining to them the dilemma that many were ready to hear the gospel, but there were too few messengers. Jesus’ solution was to pray for an increase in labourers. Dr. Brown told me he had set the alarm on his phone for 10:02 am every day when he prayed for labourers. This resonated with me, so I set the alarm on my phone for 10:02 am daily. I pray for three things:
- Lord, please spread Your gospel throughout the military community.
- Lord, please use the MCF as an instrument of your messaging.
- Lord, please use me as one of your harvesters.
This prayer takes me about one minute.
Can you imagine if you were to join me at the same time and pray the same thing every day? Can you imagine if five, or 10 or 50 or 100 of us pray the same thing every day at the same time? I think that God would be moved to answer our requests.
Would you join me at 10:02 am every day to “Stand-to” and pray for these three requests?
Are you with me?
Gerry Potter
Colonel (Ret’d)