Pontius Pilate, the military commander of the occupational forces that oversaw the administration of Judea was governor when Jesus was crucified. As prefect he had the authority to implement justice, He alone made the political decision to have Jesus flogged and crucified. Ironically, Pilate attempted to hide the truth about his involvement by washing his hands in front of the crowd symbolically declaring that he was clean of all responsibility. Those watching knew the truth; Pilate had a role.
Why did he try to distance himself from Jesus’ execution?

Was he troubled by the words Jesus spoke earlier when he stated, “everyone on the side of the truth listens to me?” (John 18:37b)
Was Pilate looking for truth when he replied to Jesus “what is truth” (John 18:38a) or was he being sarcastic?
What is the truth surrounding Jesus? Many of us have friends who need to hear Jesus’ story. You could invite a friend to a movie night and show one of the many good versions of Jesus story. Netflix has The Passion of the Christ and The Gospel of John (NIV and KJV version). There is also The Jesus Film and the 2003 Gospel of John. Hollywood has made many movies that are less accurate but will get a conversation about Jesus started; movies such as Ben Hur, The Robe or even Godspell and Jesus Christ Superstar.
There is a truth about Easter that needs to be shared with our family and friends. Maybe this is the Easter season that some may ask you “What is truth?” and you should be ready to share. Pray the Holy Spirit prepares the heart of someone you know to hear Jesus’ truth this week. Also, pray and ask God to use you to help someone understand the truth behind the celebration of Easter.