I served in Lahr, Germany, as a Supply Technician with 4 Combat Engineering Squadron. Shortly after I arrived at this combat arms unit wearing an Air Force wedge, I was told we would soon deploy for Fall Exercises. My field experience included a couple of days “camping” during Basic Training and time in the Boys Scouts. I was taken to Supply Company to get issued my combat gear and equipment, including a nuke suit and gas mask.
Two weeks later, SNOWBALL was called, and we headed to the base to deploy. I was thrown into a vehicle with Dave and was told to listen to him. Dave followed a convoy into a field near a wood line approximately two hours into the drive. A siren screamed as we started to cam up (try to hide). Dave shouted get dressed and go to the CP. It seems someone forgot to tell me I was part of a Quick Reaction Team whose role was to protect our CP or be ready to be deployed to another area. Also, I was to do this and be dressed in my nuke suit with the mask.
I was posted to Lahr knowing the mission of 4GMBG. I also knew we were in the midst of the Cold War. But like many of those serving now, I wanted to go to Europe and be part of something. During the 35 minutes it took me to figure out how to put a nuke suit on, I realized I was not prepared to serve in Germany, let alone crush, kill or destroy an enemy with my supply knowledge alone.
Followers of Christ should belong to a Spiritual Quick Reaction Force designed to face evil. Our relationship with Jesus sanctified membership into this force. The Holy Spirit empowers force members to resist, face, and even fight evil. Peter had us envision Satan prowling like a lion looking to destroy humans as Paul reminds us that our struggle is not with humanity itself but with Satan, the evil one.
Paul shares that to face this foe, we “should” let the Lord make us strong. Depend on His mighty power. Put on all of God’s armour. Then, we can remain firm against the devil’s evil plans. Our fight is not against human beings. It is against this dark world’s rulers, authorities, and powers. It is against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly world. So, put on all of God’s armour. Evil days will come. But you will be able to stand up to anything. And after you have done everything you can, you will still stand. “Ephesians 6:10-14 NIRV.
There are enough scripture passages to reveal we are living in dangerous times. We can’t wait to hear the lion roaring or hear a siren scream to warn us of danger. Satan and his minions are here now, so we must be alert. Also, when Judgement Day arrives, we will know. We will not get 35 minutes or even an additional second to dress in Paul’s recommended amour. At that moment, all will know it’s over.
FOR SOME, “Jesus will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death. And there will be no more sadness. There will be no more crying or pain. Things will no longer be the way they used to be.”
FOR OTHERS, there will be no further opportunity for forgiveness, for repentance and no chance to change because time is up.
When push comes to shove, will evil push and shove you, or will you be the one standing strong? Get dressed now.
Read Ephesians 6:10-18 today.
Meditate on those words.
Reflect and ask yourself these three questions:
1. Am I willing to put on ALL the armour?
2. Will I sincerely examine myself for missing or loose armour
3. Am I ready to be part of God’s QRF, willing to address evil and remain prepared for Jesus’ return?