If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is a sin for them. (James 4:17, NIV).
Humanly speaking, in this busy world, procrastination seems understandable. However, procrastination is not part of God’s best plan for our lives, especially when worshipping Him. When we put off doing something we told another we would do, their trust in us is weakened. When we avoid praying, reading scripture, and gathering with others, we question God’s word that shares these acts to enhance fellowship with Him. When we delay worship, we behave like Adam and Eve by implying that we don’t trust God to give us all we need. We don’t often view procrastination as a sin, but it is. Sin is not merely doing wrong. It is failing to do what you know you should do when you know you should do it. Procrastination causes us to break commitments. Procrastination and disobedience are just opposite sides of the same coin.
Procrastination drains our energy, while action produces possibilities. God empowers us to do what He calls us to, but He is not impressed with good intentions. Procrastination helps us avoid doing the things we don’t want to do. Personal discipline and commitment are needed to enjoy life to the fullest. Wasting time or avoiding doing what is necessary often creates a restless feeling that produces a sense of failure. When the deadline we were supposed to meet has come and gone, or the dreaded task we keep putting off spirals out of control, guilt sets in. We try to rationalize it away, but the simple truth is that we have sinned.
Procrastination is about loving oneself and pleasing oneself above others. In Romans 12:10, Paul says we should love each other profoundly and honour others more than we love and honour ourselves. We are responsible for how we spend them. Each moment in time represents an eternal opportunity.
Evaluate your life in light of these truths. How well do you invest your time? What one change can you make this week to overcome procrastination? Ask a friend or family member to hold you accountable to make that change.