Introducing The Shield. This is a list of prayer issues associated with our Canadian military. We want as many people bringing these requests before God knowing He cares. Let’s put up a prayer shield to protect our military and their families from the harm of the evil one and of the world. We invite you to pray with us.
In addition to the human enemy that our military typically face, we also must remember they have an unseen enemy. This “struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12). Paul identifies the type of protective equipment we require to do battle against this foe, including a shield. The shield in this case is faith; a trust in the promises of God, a trust in the truth shared by Jesus, a trust in power of the Word to protect, and a trust in prayer to affect circumstances.
Each month, we identify specific individuals and issues for our prayer partners to bring before God. We know we will never be able to identify all the prayers so please feel free to pray your own prayers for our community. We also want to hear and share your requests and praises. You can submit them via our prayer request link.
We may not be able to physically stand beside those serving our country but we can put up a protective shield of prayer. Please, print off a copy of “The Shield” below and join us as we pray for our military community.