“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26
My mother-law started to show signs of dementia just as she entered her eighties. No one in our family understood the impact of this disease and we felt helpless. One day she was engaging with everyone, driving herself to shopping, and attending Bible studies and church. And then, she struggled to remember details about people and places. She was often confused as to where she was at any given time. It was sad to watch this strong, funny woman slowly changing into someone we never imagined.
As dementia tightened its hold on my mother-in-law I worried about her faith; would she even remember Jesus. Matthew 22:37 invites us to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Could she love as God invites or would she live out the rest of her life in a fog? I wondered how Oma would remember what Jesus taught when often, she couldn’t remember who she was speaking with.
But God is so good and our comprehension of His love and understanding is so limited. Our family joked that we thought Oma only had 5 funny stories to share because that was all we heard. But as dementia started to take a hold on her, we began to hear more stories from her, especially about her childhood. She grew up in occupied Holland during WWII and as we can imagine, life was not easy. But in the midst of her dementia, she would recall some incredible stories about school, playing with friends, and simply living life to the full. Also, while sitting by the fireplace, she would break in a chorus of Amazing Grace, or How Great Thou Art, to name a few. She knew to acknowledge God and still witnessed to people despite her condition. She could also remember bible lesson and recited bits of scripture. We thank the Holy Spirit that he was present with Oma during her illness.
John 14:26 shares, “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” Watching my mother-in-law live with dementia made this promise more real. God allowed Oma to remember the things that she loved giving her peace and comfort during this illness.
The Holy Spirit always has something to share with us, however sometimes our minds are clouded because of pain, mental health issues, or diseases or even busyness. But, we should always remember God does not abandon us regardless of our circumstances – Jesus’ power is made perfect in our weakness ( 1 Corinthians 12:9 ).
Our family was not prepared for the changes in Oma but God was. He used her to remind us to seek God because in our time of need, He will be whispering to us about His love and promises. Spend time in the word. Seek understanding and wisdom while you can. Recognize Godly love and be prepared to live it out in your life.