Have Faith

Without faith/ belief/trust no one can please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that He is real and that He rewards those who truly want to find Him.” 
Hebrews 11:6

Faith is based on the belief that we have a Creator. We understand that our Creator is like a good parent who loves us unconditionally and wants to protect, guide, and help His children. And like a good parent, He would never harm us and only wants what is best for us. When our faith is strong, we trust God’s love for us, regardless of our circumstances.

Too often, when some face seemingly uncomfortable tasks or hardships, they close in on themselves and trust their ability to fix the issues. There may be something they will have to do to lessen the problem, but too often, people begin to worry. They shy away from seeking the advice of others. They avoid prayer until they weigh the pros and cons of talking with God. They want a quick fix, not a conversation which may suggest they need to change themselves or the hole will get deeper. 

Faith requires us to understand and accept God’s expectations for us, brought to us by Jesus. God wants us to love others through genuine and sincere kindness and compassion. It requires us to be humble. We should not be critical or judgmental of others. We will not be hurtful or take advantage of others. Likewise, we will not treat others with indifference. We will help those who need help. And when we are wronged, we will forgive. If we love God, we will do these things daily. Not just to those close to us like family and friends – but to everyone? 

Faith reminds us that God wants us to join Him in heaven, but our hearts must reflect God’s love which we convey with our thoughts, how we speak to others, how we treat others, and how we live our lives. It is essential to understand that those who do not accept God and His expectations reject His invitation to join Him in heaven. When the time comes, those people will know they will be separated from God and His love for eternity, and their anguish will be unbearable.

Faith will compel us to invite God into our lives and maintain a relationship with Him through prayer. We should pray every day and throughout the day. It is impossible to pray too much. We can pray for protection, forgiveness, guidance, understanding, and peace. We can express our love, our gratitude, our needs, our worries, and our fears. We should pray boldly and be generous with our prayers for others. Trust and believe that God will hear your prayers and respond. Listen and watch for ways that God may be speaking to you and when your prayers are answered, remember to give thanks to God. 

Lastly, what is the source of Godly faith? 
“…faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). This word is ultimately from God, inspired (literally breathed out) by God through the work of the Holy Spirit. Faith is a learned response, through hearing God’s word.