“We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands” 1 John 2:3
The idea of a personal relationship with the God of the universe is difficult for many to grasp. God has created us to be in relationships with others. So much of our experience and knowledge of relationships comes from a lifetime of interactions with less-than-perfect people. It is hard to detach our experiences with our earthly family when considering our relationship with God. In families we have broken promises, and sometimes some have treated us poorly. When we are told to connect with our heavenly Father, we cannot get the image of our earthly Father, good or bad, out of our minds. So, how do we have that personal relationship?
John shares that we will know God when we keep his commands. Commands are His guidelines for living a holy life that brings us closer to Him. Commands have a negative connotation as they suggest following something we usually would not like to do. However, if we look at them as behaviours that God would not do, then we can agree and say these are things we would not do. A good relationship is built on respect and a desire to get closer. When we want to get close to someone, we learn about the things that person likes and dislikes. We then try to do what they like and avoid getting caught doing what they dislike. This is no different when seeking a relationship with God, except that, if asked, the Holy Spirit will help us understand and accomplish those things.
We are called to be holy as God is Holy. We need to be holy to be with Him. To understand what that truly means in our everyday lives, we must have a relationship with God. We need to know and follow His commands to see His life in ours. When we learn and follow His commands, we will come to know Him and have the relationship we need.