“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” 2 Timothy 3:16-17
The military continually develops, and updates documents they call SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures). These short documents outline how military groups would respond to emergencies such as a fire aboard a ship, a crash on the runway, or an impromptu search and rescue activity for a child lost in the woods. Initially designed as emergency response guidelines, they expanded to other areas of military life. Military personnel always look at their SOP to ensure they are ready to respond to any military difficulty. Are you prepared to be able to respond to life’s difficult moments?
The civilian world also has SOPs; although they are not formally written or posted in a place of prominence around our house, they exist. Families have discussed what to do in the event of a fire in the home, when they hear of upcoming bad weather, and so on. We are good about being prepared for emergencies that don’t come often, but how prepared are we for everyday life?

Have you developed any SOPs in your Christian life to help you adequately deal with emergencies? Do you know how to respond to sorrow, anxiety, temptation, or other trouble? Have you read your scripture enough to understand what God’s response suggests? Have you reflected on events and noted where you fell and how God lifted you? When life seems to overtake you, do you have a SOP to calm yourself, such as reading psalms, singing praise songs, or just sitting and thinking about God?
Paul’s words to Timothy remind us that scripture prepares us for whatever we face. Are there areas in your life that would benefit from overhauling your SOPs? We are starting a new year, and it’s a good time to dust off your Life SOP to make sure you can respond to the world around you. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you develop a faith-based SOP for facing the world. Let the breath of God refresh you. His Word will guide you through 2024 and beyond.