Do it now !

“If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.”  (James 4:17 NIV).

Humanly speaking, procrastination is understandable and likely. However, procrastination is not part of God’s best plan for our lives. We don’t often view procrastination as a sin, but it is. Sin is not merely doing wrong. It is failing to do what you know you should do when you know you should do it. Knowledge equals responsibility. Procrastination and disobedience are just opposite sides of the same coin.
Procrastination helps us avoid doing the things we don’t want to, which require personal discipline and a commitment to godly goals. Wasting time often creates a restless feeling that produces a sense of failure. When the deadline we were supposed to meet has come and gone, or the dreaded task we keep putting off spirals out of control, guilt sets in. We try to rationalize it away when the simple truth is that we have sinned.
Do you realize that it takes as much energy to avoid a task as it does to do it? Procrastination drains energy, while action produces power. God empowers us to do what He calls us to do. Truth is for now. God is not impressed with good intentions. Obedience today is the most significant preparation for tomorrow. So do what you know to do today!
Procrastination is about loving oneself and pleasing oneself above others. In Romans 12:10, Paul says we should love each other profoundly and honour others more than we love and honour ourselves—the moments God gives us matter now and eternally. We are responsible for how we spend them. Each moment in time represents an eternal opportunity. Evaluate your life in light of these truths. 
How well do you invest your time? What one change can you make this week to overcome procrastination? Ask a friend or family member to hold you accountable to make that change.  

Great Canadian Giving Challenge

We sincerely thank everyone who has partnered with us in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.  


This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Great Canadian Giving Challenge*, and it’s bigger and better than ever! For every donation of $10 or more to any charity via in June, you get one entry to win incredible adventure-themed prizes. CanadaHelps will also be awarding two prizes of $10,000 donations to two charities!

The Military Christian Fellowship of Canada is supported through people like you. Would you consider a one-time gift this June? Your support and prayers are invaluable in our mission to touch lives and share the love of Jesus.

Deployed-Podcast – “DP1”.

“Discussing faith, family, and work life as a Christian.” 

Allow me to introduce myself, Rick Campbell, pastor of Deployed Church, an online ministry of Oromocto Baptist Church.  This online ministry provides audio podcast for you to listen to at your convenience and encourage you in your faith.
The aim of these podcasts is to discuss faith, family, and work life as a Christian who is currently active or retired from the military.
The goal of these podcasts is to pass on the experiences of Christian military members and retirees to other members, their families and to the broader church family.
The topics we discuss are faith, family, and work. The experiences shared in these podcasts, will uplift, and strengthen you in your walk with Christ.
Recording are done in audio and then posted to the podcast platforms. (DP1 Deployed Podcast). Guests have the option of not using their name or using initials or a first name.

Do not hesitate to provide us with feedback or if you have any questions or comments about the podcast you can contact us at the MCF office

In Christ,
Rick Campbell
DP1 Deployed 

How should Christians in the CAF respond to and influence the cultural change that is reaching every aspect of our institution?

On Tuesday, February 6, 2024, join the discussion led by panel members who have, like all of us, found themselves facing the inevitable tension between recent cultural change initiatives and their faith in Jesus Christ.

Can we serve without compromising our faith? Can we truly love our non-Christian comrades? Is there still a place for Christians in the CAF?

There are no easy answers, but as Christians we know that where we need to look is to God and his word, as a community. This discussion will provide a chance to listen and ask questions as we all seek to serve faithfully.

To make the discussion available across the country, there will be 2 sessions on 6 Feb, the first from 1900-2030 EST followed by 1900-2030 MST. Feel free to join whichever one works best with your schedule.

The panel will be hosted by the Military Christian Fellowship and open to all members of the military Christian community who are asking these kinds of questions. It will be live on Discord.

Please contact the event coordinator, Andrew Haves through the MCF office for more information and to receive the link to Discord.

Coming March 2024

Again this year we will meet without having to physically travel to a specific location for our AGM. As we did in the past few years, we will be using the teleconferencing application called “ZOOM”. We have had great success with this application for connecting with our members and supporters.

Please contact our office for more details.

Only members of the Military Christian Fellowship of Canada will be given the right to vote at the AGM.


Military Basic Training was a culture shock. Before, I was a student at university working part-time as a janitor in a seniors’ residence in Wolfville, NS. After two years, I had run out of funds and decided to apply to the military; after all, my dad was a former military pilot, and my brother was a serving aeronautical engineer.
Going on exercise was part of Basic Training, as it is part of the military experience in general. Part of the military exercise was a routine called “Stand-to.” The practice of “Stand-to” was a hold-over from WWI when at just before dawn and shortly after dusk, soldiers would stand by their trench with their weapons loaded and ready to fire in the event of an enemy attack, which routinely came at just before dawn or just after dusk. It was part of being ready.

Several months ago, I was on a course led by Dr. Steve Brown, which was entitled “Jesus Centred.” The course was named after the book that Dr. Brown wrote. To me, the book’s gist was about being ready to share and live the gospel in a non-permissive environment. A vital element of the course was focused on Luke 10:2
Dr. Brown emphasized that the number of “harvesters” was diminishing in Canada. I note that local churches and mission agencies are echoing the same message… Gospel messengers are fewer and fewer, and this is when the spread of secularism is increasing. Generally, the Canadian population, including the military community, has little to no information about who Jesus is or the opportunity for eternal life that is available only through Him. 
I shared with Dr. Brown the ministry of the MCF and our mission to bring the gospel to the military community. He was intrigued and asked how it was going. “Not very well,” I responded. Dr. Brown reminded me of Luke 10:2 when Jesus was sending out missionaries and explaining to them the dilemma that many were ready to hear the gospel, but there were too few messengers. Jesus’ solution was to pray for an increase in labourers. Dr. Brown told me he had set the alarm on his phone for 10:02 am every day when he prayed for labourers. This resonated with me, so I set the alarm on my phone for 10:02 am daily. I pray for three things:

  1. Lord, please spread Your gospel throughout the military community.
  2. Lord, please use the MCF as an instrument of your messaging.
  3. Lord, please use me as one of your harvesters.

This prayer takes me about one minute. 
Can you imagine if you were to join me at the same time and pray the same thing every day? Can you imagine if five, or 10 or 50 or 100 of us pray the same thing every day at the same time? I think that God would be moved to answer our requests.
Would you join me at 10:02 am every day to “Stand-to” and pray for these three requests? 
Are you with me?
Gerry Potter
Colonel (Ret’d)

National Communion Call

The MCF is inviting you to join with many across the nation for a National Communion Gathering hosted by the CRY / NDOPs

Please plan to join us on APRIL 6th (3 pm ET) for our Annual National Communion Service (online) for Passover

As we have entered into 2023, there continues to be a strong emphasis across the Body of Christ on the power of the Blood of Christ.
It is as though, while the nations shake and shift, there is a call from Heaven to continue to intentionally hide our hearts and homes under the covering of the Blood of the Lamb.
There is a pull in all of us to gather again for another time of humbling our hearts together before the Lord. We hope you will join us.
During the online gathering, there will be worship, prayer, special exhortation and communion together led by senior national leaders.
Click here to register now.
A link will be sent to all registrants to join live or watch the replay.
French translation will also be provided for those who participated via the Zoom webinar option.

God bless you and God bless Canada,
Faytene Grasseschi
Passover ’23 Host, TheCRY / NDOPs

Sharing Life, Hope and Jesus on Alpha

It’s time to consider whom to invite to our next Alpha course. Registration is underway and we would love for you to join us on the online Alpha course the MCF is offering this winter.

The Alpha course is an excellent tool we use in accomplishing the core mission of the MCF, “to bring the gospel to the Military Community”.

If you haven’t been on an Alpha course, please consider joining us this February.  If you have been on the course, then talk to your military community friend or family member about joining us, we are using the online platform and there is plenty of room for everyone.

Watch the ‘trailer‘ then get out there and invite (virtually) your colleagues, your friends and your family, and register soon for the  MCF Alpha course. The experience will change them and you…forever

Are you ready to join us, is someone you know ready for an extraordinary life change? Here are the coordinates for the group:

Sunday, 05 February online at 7:00 pm EST 
Leading the sessions: Gerry Potter
Alpha Coordinator: Nicole

To register and for more information: Connect with us