Between the Promise and the Fulfilment of the Promise

On Saturday, a Sabbath day, the high priests and Pharisees gathered together before Pilate and asked him to have Jesus’ tomb sealed until the third day. So, Jesus’ body lay in the tomb guarded by Roman soldiers.

Nicodemus had helped place Jesus’ body in the tomb on Friday before the Sabbath began, and had even paid for the burial spices for Jesus. Like Joseph of Arimathea, he was a member of the Sanhedrin. This was the court which had condemned Jesus Christ to death. Both men had lived as secret followers of Jesus, afraid to make a public profession of faith because of their prominent positions in the Jewish community. Similarly, both were deeply affected by Christ’s death. They boldly came out of hiding, risking their reputations and their lives because they now realized Jesus was, indeed, the long-awaited Messiah.

Do you live your faith is secret? Do you think something more important hinges on your need to hide your faith in Jesus?

Read Matthew 27:62-66. Saturday was the day between the promise and the fulfilment of the promise. Jesus had not only predicted He would be crucified, but also that He would rise from the dead. Our salvation is based on that promise.

Consider this prayer: “Heavenly Father, today as I think about that short period of time that your son was in the tomb, I know that eternity was at stake. Thank you for keeping your promise to Adam and Eve despite their disappointing behaviour in the garden. Thank you for arranging this act or reconciliation so I will not have to spend eternity separated from you. Thank you that despite how often I disappoint, you love me enough to allow me to acknowledge, repent and ask forgiveness for my sins. Thank you that the tomb did not hold Jesus. Amen”