Wednesday has been called “Spy Wednesday” by some who speculate that this is the day Judas Iscariot, a disciple turned betrayer, agreed to show the chief priests where they could easily capture Jesus. Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver which had been prophesied in Zechariah 11:12 with the wordsSo they weighed out for my wages thirty pieces of silver.” 
Note – thirty pieces of silver was the going rate for a slave at that time.

Read Matthew 26:15 and ask yourself, have you ever sold your faith for something else you wanted. Have you ever put off prayer, reading scripture, going to service because something else came up?

Wednesday may also have been the day when Jesus, who was relaxing in Bethany, was anointed with expensive perfume by a woman. When some disciples expressed concern about this alleged waste, Jesus shared that her actions were to prepare Him for His death.

Read Matthew 26:6-13. Have you ever second-guessed the motives of a ministry? Have you abandoned your brother or sisters because the secular world has? Do you care more about how they served God or why?

Consider this prayer: “Holy and merciful God free my heart from temptations of evil thoughts and actions that cause me to betray your followers in my words or actions. Help me see the actions of others as pleasing to you so that I can grow. Cleanse me so that I may become a fit habitation for the Holy Spirit to use me for your Kingdom’s work.  Amen.