Be Holy.

While in college, John Wesley, an Anglican minister, and the founder of the Methodist movement, started a small group with his brother and a few friends. They did believe their society had some moral deficiencies but were concerned about themselves. They felt that when followers wholly gave themselves to Jesus, their lives would be transformed and different from the world. Their behaviour earned them the name The Holy Club.  
Scripture says, “for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16), and so they believed it was possible to live a humble and holy life. Our North American version of Holiness includes images of revival meetings, gospel trios, old-time religion, and stern prohibitions against drinking, dancing, and playing cards. Today Holiness is often associated with moral behaviour such as sexual purity, financial honesty, and commitment to private prayer. As discussed in scripture, Holiness has a strong moral purity connotation, but its basic meaning is about being “set apart” or “dedicated” to God—to belong to God. Being holy is about belonging to God and making Him our first love and loyalty? 
The Holy Club met intentionally to pray, read scripture, and help their community. They did have a set of questions (22 in all) that they would ask each other. The questions did not identify a Super Christian’s characteristics but were related to daily life that could be changed when Christ is our focus.  

Do you have a Christian friend whom you could go to confidently and discuss your daily walk as a Christ-follower? Could you allow this friend to make suggestions about your walk, and would you be willing to listen to them? If not, why not? We are designed to live in community. We are guided by scripture to seek assistance and assist others. Nothing would be more beneficial to your walk if you allowed an honest appraisal to occur from time to time, not to make you hear you are perfect but to help keep you “set aside” for Jesus.