” Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:1-2

Clearly, every Christian should do what Paul calls for in this text. But WHY Christians should act accordingly is of utmost importance to God. God does not judge men on outward appearances but on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). God is concerned that our actions stem from righteous attitudes and motives. 

Paul’s opening to Chapter 12 is a call to action built on the foundation of his teaching in the first eleven chapters. He challenges us to commit to Christ, not just by knowing about Him but by living a life that shows we know Jesus as a redeemer, saviour, and Lord.

During a recent small group discussion on commitment, we were asked if we were ALL IN when it came to being followers of Christ. Our first thoughts were, of course, and then we were asked to rethink our answer in light of this analogy: 

Image being part of a meeting hosted by your commanding officer (boss). The CO gives a brief overview of his vision and asks, Are you all in? Everyone present answers YES, but how many mean it? There are generally three types of YES responses from the group. 

  1. YES MEN – those who endorse or support every opinion or proposal of a superior.  These individuals are eager to praise or obey because it allows them to avoid thinking for themselves or committing to what is proposed. 
  2. DOUBTER – those who refuse to accept without personal proof. They nod their heads in agreement but inwardly run through all scenarios where the ideas seem weak. They know about their boss but still do not know him. 
  3. COMMITTED – those who believe without knowing or even understanding all the details because they trust their leader and their vision.  

Some obey God out of guilt, and others out of greed or self-interest. God invites us on His mission to take the Gospel to the lost as fully committed followers. Our activity is not an accurate measurement of our commitment as it is not what we do or don’t do that God desires but our heart’s connection to Him (Hosea 6:6). He wants us to be ALL IN now, even if we don’t fully understand what He has in store for us. 

Are you ALL IN?